Sunday, December 6, 2009

Night shift... :)

Yay, the Evil Medic Twins are working together for the first time! How exciting! Those of you wondering who the evil medic twins's Elisabeth and I. Patrick came up with it one day and it kind of stuck. =) So, yes...we're working a night shift together and having a good time. good as you can when it's 3:30 in the morning. Elisabeth has already worked about 20 hours so she's getting tired, but I've only worked 4 hours so I'm still going strong. It helps that I've consumed sugar and so now I'm just a little crazy. It really helps to keep me awake. =) We've had two calls already, one we didn't transport and the other one we did. The first one was just a black eye. The second one was a vomit call. SICK! Yeah, puke is one of the grossest things ever. It wouldn't be so bad if it just didn't smell. I can live with seeing things but the smell is a killer. Sorry for those of you with a weak stomach, I hope you don't get sick by reading what I write. ;) I've been told there's worse things then puke, but so far that's the grossest smelling stuff I've seen. The sick thing is I can still smell it! Isn't that gross?! Elisabeth and I had to spray down the cot and each other to help with the smell. Then we decided to go eat some ice cream cause it sounded good. =) Haha, aren't we crazy?! No, don't answer that. :) It's fun to be crazy late at night when no one's around to see... It can be pretty embarrassing when you think you're alone but then, after dancing down the hall, you realize that someone is behind you. Oops! I've done that so much that I usually start laughing and wonder what their thinking. :) Anyway, hopefully it'll be a quiet rest of the morning and nobody will need saving. =)


  1. Puke is definitely one of the worse things ever...I am not looking forward to when the girls get a little older and start getting sick with the throw-ups because I'll have to clean up after them...yuck! I hope the rest of your shift went well and ice cream I'm sure helped a bunch! :)

  2. Haha, have fun with that! Cleaning up the little girls puke, that is. =)

    The rest of the shift was quiet so that was really nice, I got a little sleep. Not enough though... I'm still really tired.

  3. Thank you for your prayers.
    I like reading your blog... even when the posts are totally random! :)

  4. Thanks! It's nice to know others don't think I'm crazy. =)

  5. That's probably the reason I'm not all that interested in medicine. I can handle the blood and guts, but the poop and puke is nasty. :P Makes me sick.

  6. Haha, who said anything about poop? ;) Actually this guy had messed in his pants, thankfully we didn't have to take care of it. =)
