I've been enjoying a lazy day off. :) This week I've only been scheduled for 24 hours and so that really leaves quite a few days off. I worked an evening/night yesterday; and Thursday, I work a night. Yay, for a more normal week! ;) Last week was incredibly insane, I was scheduled for 24 hours and ended up with 63 instead. I really didn't mind too much. I never do anything most days anyway, so I might as well work. :)
Lets see... I worked a Sunday day and night shift, into a day on Monday. Then, a night on Tuesday and Wednesday. A 7 hour shift on Friday. And I ended with a day/evening on Saturday. Yeah, I call that insane... maybe you wouldn't. :)
My greatest accomplishment for this week was: running 11 miles and living through it. ;-) I'm still a little sore from it but it's such an awesome feeling to know you ran that far. :) I probably shouldn't have ran on a day I was working all evening and night, but it was the only day that was going to work out. Thankfully, after 9 (last night) we didn't get anymore calls and I was able to sleep through the night...not well, by any means, but it was something. I came home after watching kids this morning and decided to lay down and see if I could rest. I woke up a little before 12. Apparently, I was more tired than I thought.
Well, last week was my last few days in the office. Since tax season was over there wasn't enough to keep me busy. So....now I have to decide if I get another job or be incredibly lazy with just one. ;-) I'm thinking against the lazy part. Lazy days are nice, but they're soo boring and I'd rather be kept busy. Besides, it gets me closer to my dream of leaving the country. :) Unfortunately, I don't have enough money to leave for a few months and still make payments on my car. So, that leaves me witwaiting h until I'm done paying off my car... which will be almost 2 years. Talk about depressing! The Lord knows best though, and everything will work out in his timing. :)
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