Thursday, July 29, 2010

Oh boy, is it time for bed yet?! I think I could fall asleep right now....
Ok, this is going to be a pretty lame post since there will be no pictures, I'm tired, working, and I need more energy. I think that covers it all. ;)
Well, the exciting news this week is..... well, there just isn't any. I have 2 1/2 hours left of my 16 hour shift and then I'll be making the long drive home. Should be pretty interesting... I imagine there will be lots of singing going on; and talking about the other crazy drivers that are out and about; and pretty much trying to convince myself not to fall asleep. Good thing there's no camera in my car. ;-) It shouldn't be too bad really... it's just the second hour that's the worst. ;)
So far, work hasn't been too bad today. It was pretty consistent in the morning and afternoon, but this evening's been pretty nice. :)
You know what?!?! I just thought of something! I think I'll have vanilla yogurt with strawberries for dessert. :-) Yeah, it's pretty exciting stuff... especially when there's nothing else for dessert. Actually, that's not all true... I did make cinnamon rolls and bring them to work, but I'm really not craving one and besides they're so unhealthy. ;-) Usually I don't care too much about eating that healthy, but this week I was trying to do better and I've substituted chocolate milkshakes for fruit smoothies. :) Of course they will never be as good as chocolate but I've found out I can make a pretty good pineapple strawberry smoothie. :) And they're pretty healthy for you too. A lot of calcium and fruit. You can't get much better than that. :-)
Well, I really don't have a whole lot of anything to say.... so I think I'll end now before I say something even more random and weird. :)
Hope everyone is having a wonderful, enjoyable evening! :)

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